On Saturday, Feb. 4 in Tacoma, WA, people will be marching in the support of Leonard Peltier. Peltier, long time Native Activist and member of the American Indian Movement was convicted in 1975 for shooting two FBI officers. Prosecutors have continually stated that they cannot prove Peltier’s guiilt. He has been in prison for 35 years for a crime he did not commit. The events of Feb. 4th are being organized to show that Peltier is not forgotten and that there are many who will not rest until he is free.

12:00 March for Justice! Leaving Portland Ave. Park.

1:00 Rally for Justice! Federal Court House, 1717 – Pacific Ave.

For Portlanders interested in carpooling, transportation will meet up outside of KBOO Station (20th SE 8th Portland) at 9:00AM. RSVP to oregon.jericho [at] gmail.com (503) 750 0523.

This event is co-sponsored by NW Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee, Oregon Jericho, NW Student Coalition, Portland Animal Defense League, PDX Books to Prisoners.